Monthly Archives: August, 2012

Guest Post: A Catholic Mom

Preface:  I’ve seen several posts recently on WordPress and other pages about people hiding their religious beliefs from people for one reason or another.  Some were tips on how to hide, some were flat out saying don’t hide and some were explaining why they were hiding.  I hid my faith all through out high school …

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My first award!! Yay me!

I got my first award and it feels kinda nifty!  Thank you so much to The Bad Witch for the nomination.  You look at Paganism in a much more scholarly way than I do and I love thinking about your post.  🙂 So right to the point because I’m new at this and apparently there …

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Lesson’s from someone else’s tree

Ran across this post and thought it made some very good points. As a Wiccan parent, I want my children to be attuned to the spirits of nature and the ones we see on a regular basis should be a large enough part of our lives that if something happens to them it saddens us. …

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Daily Tea

Yesterday, while catching up on my reading I ran across this blog post by Ariadne.  She talks about different types of daily practices and her last suggestion is tea time.  I LOVE tea!  Yes, the all caps was required for that. 🙂  I usually have at least 2 cups of tea a day anyways but …

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Brody Bivens: prayers, healing and hope.

I went away but we will come back to that. I am part of a wonderful group of mothers whose children were all born around the same time as Butterfly.  One of the mothers has a little boy named Brody Bivens, who is only 19 days older than Butterfly and has mitochondrial disease.  I’m not …

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