Kids’ Sabbats

My children are 1 and 4, so attention span is not a strength they currently have.  Getting into things and touching everything, however, are some of their strongest features.  So while we have been doing little celebrations for the Sabbats, they have not done rituals with me and our celebrations haven’t really been focused on the “reason for the season”, more just acknowledging the season.  I want to start focusing more on why we are celebrating and not just “Hey, let’s celebrate”.  So here are some of my ideas:

Since Beltane is coming up next, I am going to get some lanterns that hold tea lights and take the kids on a fairy hunt in the wooded area by my house.

I will come up with a SHORT kid friendly ritual.

As I have the Circle Round book I will make sure I read the stories from the book in the week leading up to Beltane.

I’m going to find the actual CD that came with my Circle Round book and play it in the car.

I’m going to do more crafts and make sure I explain the meaning behind the crafts.

I’m looking forward to sharing my beliefs in what is hopefully a more comprehensive way and not just having fun but probably mostly meaningless (to the kids) events.  I think I have been focusing on the wrong things and I need to get back to the basics.

Blessed Be! )O(

P.S. I’m also going to start posting on here more!

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